november 10, 1928

We give thanks to God for allowing Cochran Avenue Baptist Church to continue to be a beacon on the hill for over ninety years.  

Cochran continues to flourish in this ever growing, ever changing community.

The church membership has continued to grow under the guidance of 15 Pastors including our longest tenured Pastor, Pastor Percy R. Hill and our current anointed Pastor, Pastor Charles R. Johnson, who has shepherded Cochran for 10 years. Each Pastor who has served at Cochran has brought their own unique qualities to the Ministry, teaching the membership while edifying the Body of Christ. Pastor Johnson's vision has stretched our mission to include the charge of Making The Kingdom Proud as we live each day.

Our church history not only includes many esteemed Pastors but a host of faithful members who have worked long and hard in the Ministry of Cochran Avenue Baptist Church. 

As we look through our history there are some notable accomplishments including the exceptional teaching of God's Word by Rev. Dr. Lacy D. Williams as he taught the members how to live a Christian life, how to love one another, and taught Biblical history along with God's Word and under his leadership Cochran Avenue Baptist Church was officially purchased from the Los Angeles Baptist City Mission Society in 1980.  Under Pastor Percy Hill's leadership, the balance owed on the church was paid off and noted with a mortgage burning service and celebration!   

Pastor Hill served faithfully until he was called home to be with the Lord on July 26, 2008. Cochran began the search for a new pastor and in November 2008 selected Rev. Charles Johnson as its Pastor.

There is a renewed enthusiasm here at Cochran – one that can only be attributed to the Holy Spirit using this man of God. The membership truly loves our Pastor and First Family. We are amazed at how God is using him to teach, preach the word, inspire the membership to walk closer with God and take His Word beyond the walls of Cochran Avenue.